
TecMedix, LLC has attained eminence through the effective implementation of selected infrastructure related solutions. By being exposed to infrastructure issues on a daily basis we have identified a common set of shortcomings confronting businesses. In turn, we have developed economic technology vehicles to effectively address these shortcomings, and have packaged these into a well defined set of solutions.
Software to Storage, Backups to Security
Practice Management
Practice management is a common solution used by our medical and dental services clients. After many years of providing infrastructure supporting to these clients, we have becoming conversant on the systems challenges confronting practitioners. To alleviate these challenges we have aligned ourselves as a preferred integrator for three of the topmost medical and dental practice management software vendors.
Storage Management
Businesses traditionally host their applications and databases on the same servers or server farm. This increases the vulnerability of such businesses to system failures and the potential loss of critical data during failures. With our knowledge and experience in infrastructure we are able to cost effectively install innovative storage systems that can circumvent these risks by effectively isolating software applications from database systems.
Automate Backup
Most businesses treat the process of performing system backups as a necessary inconvenience. Our experience has demonstrated that backups are infrequently performed, and are only addressed when there is the luxury of time. We have addressed this issue by installing automated backup systems, and establishing internal controls that trigger frequent backups according to predetermined business cycles and critical milestones.
System Security
Systems that are exposed to the Internet or that permit remote access through private networks are particularly vulnerable to malicious attacks. It is impossible for businesses to remain abreast of all the newer intrusion techniques and viruses that sprout up daily. With our expertise in firewall installation and configuration, virtual private networks, viral protection, etc. we are able to effectively address these vulnerabilities.
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