
TecMedix, LLC has penetrated multiple market verticals with its services and solutions. The majority of the projects that we have executed pertain to infrastructure upgrade and maintenance for small to midsized businesses. Initial clients were mainly medical and dental practices, but this has grown to include other businesses with similar infrastructure, and now include larger businesses that face similar technical challenges.
Practitioners to Non Profits, Schools to Dealerships
Medical and Dental Practices
Among our roster of clients, we serve over 30 medical and dental practices with all of their computing and telecom infrastructure needs. We have wired several practices and connected multiple remote offices into unified virtual private networks. Additionally, we have established other critical network infrastructure elements including central data storage systems, backup utilities, server fault tolerance, voice over IP, and practice management systems.
Non Profits / Churches / Schools
Non profits, churches, and schools with tight information technology and telecommunications budgets utilize our services quite extensively. We have been embraced by this market vertical due to our price flexibility and willingness to work with small businesses. Our innovative approaches in integration and procurement have enabled us to satisfy the needs of these clients without straining their finances.
Auto Dealerships and Retailers
Dealerships and retailers that need to be networked across multiple offices, or that are forced to be more cost competitive have engaged us to find innovative means to apply technology as a competitive advantage. By networking multiple offices with common data and voice links, and providing convenient wired and wireless network access to operational staff we are able to streamline work processes and lower operating cost.
Small and Midsized Businesses
Businesses that are graduating up the food chain and evolving from entrepreneurial practices to mature business operations demand infrastructure upgrade and expansion. These businesses have openly embraced us as the infrastructure provider of choice, since we are able to plan and implement their unique infrastructure needs, and establish pragmatic service level agreements essential for ongoing maintenance and support.
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